Thursday, 13 January 2022

We sell anything but the 'oink'

The market stalls have proven to be a bigger distraction from the Inventors club than expected - no painted golems yet. 

I had two big market stalls left, which needed more stuff to fill 'm with. 

The first stall sells all kinds of potions, elixers and ingredients to make those with. A whole host of different bits were dug out of the bitsbox. Small beads of various sizes were used to fill the boxes, along with bottles from Bad Squiddo and Tabletop-Art, along with parts from various Warhammer kits (although mainly from the Bretonnians - who have notoriously weird tastes 😉 ). So along with a 'white bunny killed at midnight under a full moon', one can buy snails, thrice-cursed ravens and rat-queue-navet - which are obviously all part of very dark and depraved concoctions...


The other stall has become a butcher's. All bits are from Tabletop-Art. Because of the limited pallet, painting was very quick. I put the biggest bits on translucent bases, which wasn't really necessary for the big crate but the barrel with offal is now less prone to being nocked over during play. 

 When I've got better light I'll put the whole market place together for a picture. Along with the stalls in the previous post I've got a fair number of baskets, bags and crates on clear bases that'll bulk it out nicely. Salespeople would be a nice addition as well - models from Guildball's Butchers Guild spring to mind 😀

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